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Rose Hendricks

Kavli Civic Science Fellow
Rose Hendricks is the Kavli Civic Science Fellow, working with a group of science societies to expand collaboration in order to better support scientists who engage with diverse audiences. She is also a Research Fellow at the FrameWorks Institute, where she works to understand public thinking on science issues and researches strategies for improving communications on those issues. Rose is invested in science communication training, as a volunteer member of both the Communicating Science Conference (ComSciCon) Leadership Team and the SciComm Trainers Network Core Team. She earned her PhD in Cognitive Science from UC San Diego, studying the relationship between metaphor and cognition.

1 Matching Presentations


Who is Your Community


Webinar Series

One of the important sessions from our planned in-person event, we look at who it is that societies serve (and is your society doing what it should be doing to serve those communities)? What is it that younger potential members want? (Is membership an anachronistic notion, or does it foster a sense of tribe and belonging?) We start off this session with each of our early careerist speakers talking briefly on what they would like to see from Learned Societies, and we then enter into a wider conversation about what societies could be doing, with contributions from the audience.