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Session 3: Keeping Meetings Key
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

2 Matching Presentations


How to manage your society events and make your meetings stand out from the rest


Society Street London 2019

This session will look at how you can maximise the potential for your society events. Emma will look at the key elements the Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) focus on when developing and delivering stand out events to its members and stakeholders. She will provide some take home hints and tips used by the RCR and other organisation for increasing interactivity and engagement in events and training. You will hear real life examples of customer service excellent and its importance in events delivery.

How to manage your society events and make your meetings stand out from the rest


Society Street London 2019

Jonathan will be providing a case study from the British Ecologcal Society, where science conferences and events are right up at the top of what members value most. The flagship event is the annual meeting which has become a physical embodiment of all the Society is about: a welcoming gathering of a global community of ecologists, the latest science, and lots of social and networking events. It leaves people fired up about their research and the new contacts they've made. The event's success is down to the dedication of our in-house events team, working through the year with an academic committee and volunteers, and listening to feedback from the research community.