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Violaine Iglesias

CEO & Co-founder - Cadmore Media
Contributor to Society Street 2021 as a panellist for a Fireside Chat on Hybrid Events. Speaker and webinar chair in 2020 After two decades of a career spanning academic and trade publishing, publishing technology and book translation, Violaine has recently launched Cadmore Media, a new streaming media platform specifically designed to facilitate the dissemination of scholarly and professional audiovisual content. By boosting the discoverability, indexability and accessibility of videos and podcasts, Cadmore gives publishers, societies and IGOs the tools they need to join the streaming revolution. Prior to Cadmore, Violaine worked at technology provider GVPi, SAGE Publishing and Penguin Random House. She holds a Master’s Degree in Publishing from ESCP Europe in Paris.

4 Matching Presentations


2021 07 22 A Conversation about Hybrid Events (Fireside Chat)


Webinar Series

Society Street brings together a group grappling with the practical issues of putting on a hybrid event to discuss the common challenges they are facing and how they are thinking of resolving them. Meetings have changed forever, and 2022 and beyond sees many societies looking to bring a “best of both” to their next meetings and discovering a whole raft of new challenges. Here they are in lively conversation discussing how they are managing hybrid, and touching on some of the issues they are thinking about. All three of them work within a society or with societies: Laura is the Executive Director of the International Communication Association, which is running a hybrid event in May 2022 in Paris; Theresa is currently the Head of Education at the British Society for Haematology and is planning their hybrid meeting for April 2022; and Violaine is the CEO of Cadmore Media and has been working with her society clients on resolving common issues they face as they plan their online and hybrid meetings going forwards.

Conferences and Meetings


Society Street Virtual 2020

What does the Coronavirus mean for meetings and conferences, both now and in the future? Our speakers for this session will consider what their societies are doing, what options are available in a world where in-person meetings are unlikely to happen for a while, and how to make those options work well.

Conferences and Meetings update - Webinar


Webinar Series

A few weeks on from Society Street Virtual, we are bringing some of the “Conferences and Meetings” panel back together again, to reflect on what they have seen and learned in the intervening weeks. The session we held in March was extremely lively with many questions. As things are continuing to change rapidly, we asked them to join us again to reflect on what has changed in the last month or so, and what they have learnt.

Thinking Holistically About Content: Working Together


Webinar Series

Julie and Paul will be presenting a case study of their experiences at AMA where they and their teams have broken the third wall of society publishing: bringing together journals and education into one end user experience. Through a collaborative effort, Julie and Paul bridged the gaps between brands, business models, editorial practice, technology platforms, and missions to innovatively reimagine education at the AMA and to recreate the experience with the physician and patient outcomes as the core goal. They will be answering questions from the audience, highlighting society publishing can differently about brand, mission, technology and content and begin to build customer-facing experiences by working across teams.